Connect Card  |  Tarjeta  de Conexión 

Thanks for visiting Throggs Neck Community Church! We were happy you joined us in-person/online. We would love to get to know you better by connecting with  you.

Salvation  |  Salvación

If you have made a decision to follow Christ, we would like to stay connected with you, pray for you and send you information to help you on your walk with God.

Growth Track

Growth Track is a series of classes designed for you to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ, whether your are a new believer or seasoned believer.
Growth Track is also  a pre-requisite for those interested in becoming an official  member of Throggs Neck Community Church.
Next Growth Track Begins:  November 6, 2024

Learning to Follow Jesus

Learning to Follow Jesus is an 8-week one-on-one discipleship process designed to enrich, empower and assist an individual in strengthening their walk with Jesus. These step-by-step guides will help individuals learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

Water Baptism

Much like a wedding ring is symbolic of marital commitment; water baptism is a symbolic act of your new relationship with Jesus. Baptism doesn’t make you a member of God’s family, it shows you are part of God’s family. Baptism is the first step in your spiritual journey after you have made the decision to follow Jesus.  It’s about going public with your faith.  Christ called it our first step of obedience– an outward expression of your inner commitment to God.
Next Water Baptism: TBD

Child Dedication

Throggs Neck Community Church provides parents with the opportunity to dedicate their children to the Lord. We believe it is the parent's charge to train their children to love the Lord, and through publicly dedicating their children, parents are making a covenant before the Lord and their church family.
Next Child Dedication Ceremony: November 17, 2024

Ministry Worker

If you're interested in volunteering at Throggs Neck Community Church, begin your journey by exploring through the Ministry Teams we have available. Once you discover where you would like to serve, join a team by completing our Ministry Worker Application.

Profile Update

If you had a change of name, address and/or phone number, we would like to update your profile information in our system.


Are you interested in becoming an official member of Throggs Neck Community Church?
If so, complete our Membership Application.
Next Membership Induction Ceremony: TBD

Missions Faith Promise Pledge '24

A faith promise is not your tithe or a portion of your tithe. A Faith Promise is a spiritual agreement between you and God, as you commit to give regularly to reach a lost world. Please complete this for if you would like to make a Faith Promise pledge.

Facility Usage: Ministry Events

If you are a TNCC Pastor or Ministry Team leader and would like to hold a ministry event or meeting at the church, please request to reserve a room by completing this form.

Facility Usage: Private Events

If you are a member of Throggs Neck Community Church or a member of the community and would like to use our facilities for a private event. Please complete this form.

Small Group Promo

If you are the Small Groups Ministry Team Leader or a Group Facilitator and would like to promote an upcoming Small Group, please complete this form 4 weeks prior to expected promotional date.

Promotional Request

If you are a Pastor or Ministry Team leader and would like to promote your ministry/community event, please complete this form a minimum of 2 weeks prior to expected promotional date.

Prayer Request

Do you or someone you know need prayer? If so, we'd love to pray for you.

Praise Report

We would love to praise God with you for the great things He has done in your life recently.

Online Requisition

This Online Requisition form is used when a Pastor, Ministry Team Leader or Staff Member would like to request a purchase order or reimbursement from the Office Manager for specific ministry plans.

2024 Vision Sunday Pledge

Vision Sunday is YOUR opportunity to be a part of  fulfilling TNCC’s Vision by giving toward our Building Fund. Your giving will help us continue to pay down our current mortgage, maintain the upkeep of regular building maintenance & accomplish this year’s building projects.

The TNCC Podcast

We desire to capture your faith journey with Christ so you can share it with the community. Share your testimony, a word from the Lord, a song or spoken word.