Here Comes The Bride

Hi Church!

In this message, Pastor Nik discusses the prophetic calendar or the second coming of Jesus. He emphasizes the need for the church, referred to as the bride, to prepare for the return of Jesus. He outlines seven principles for the church to follow in light of Jesus's imminent return, drawing from the messages to the seven churches in the book of Revelation. These principles include returning to the first love, being faithful, rejecting doctrinal extremes, being pure, living with purpose, revering the word of God, and maintaining an open relationship with Jesus. Pastor Nik encourages the congregation to live in anticipation of Jesus's return and to hold fast to their faith.

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Pastor Nik details the Prophetic calendar in 15 minutes.
In light of Jesus’ imminent return, what kind of Bride ought we to be?
  • Ephesus - A Bride that returns to her first love
  • Smyrna - A Bride that is faithful
  • Pergamum - A Bride that rejects doctrinal extremes
  • Thyatira - A Bride that is pure
  • Sardis - A bride living with purpose
  • Philadelphia - A Bride that reveres the Word of God
  • Laodicea- A Bride In Open Relationship With God
